Young Professionals Town Hall on Energy Transition, Climate and Sustainability


Town Hall on Energy Transition, Climate and SustainabilityIEEE’s Young Professionals Climate and Sustainability Task Force is hosting a “Town Hall on Energy Transition, Climate, and Sustainability: Engagement of Young Professionals in a Global Setting” on 27 April 2023 at 10:00 am EDT.

The panelists, including representatives of the Task Force and experts from the International Renewal Energy Agency (IRENA),  ETHZurich and the Clean Energy Ministerial, will explore initiatives to engage young professionals in battling climate change from various sectors, such as Energy Efficiency and Opportunities for Young Practitioners, Student Energy Career Training, Policy Transformation Towards Clean Energy Future, Workstreams for Youth Engagement, Robotics in Sustainable Environmental Design, and more.

This interactive session is designed to help participants gain a deeper understanding of the impacts of climate change on our planet and raise awareness of the programs available to help Young Professionals engage in mitigating the effects of Climate change.

Register here (WebEx):