IEEE Public Policy Objectives (Bylaws I-311)
IEEE’s Bylaws (Section I-311) outline the following objectives for conduct of public policy-related activities by the organization and its entities:
- IEEE and its organizational units will engage in coordinated public policy-related activities that advance its mission.
- IEEE’s public policy activities at all levels will be guided by such general principles and public policy position statements as have been approved by the IEEE Board of Directors.
- In conducting public policy-related activities, IEEE will be nonpartisan, will seek and respect diverse opinions, and will promote balanced, evidence-based viewpoints.
- IEEE will inform policy-makers, IEEE members, and the public of the benefits, risks, and social implications of technology and effective strategies for accelerating the development and widespread deployment of beneficial technologies.
- IEEE will promote discussion of technology-related public policies, through such means as organizing fora and publishing public policy-related research, analysis, and opinion.
- IEEE will be an advocate for the organization, its members and communities, and the public, developing and communicating Public Policy Positions on matters related to technology within its fields of expertise and the needs of stakeholders; these policies may be local, national, regional, or global in nature.
- IEEE will establish and maintain programs that encourage member awareness and participation in public policy-related activities; this may include direct participation in the development of technology-related public policies through service in government agencies and technical advisory committees.
- As appropriate, IEEE will work with other organizations in the development and conduct of public policy-related programs.
- All official IEEE and IEEE Organizational Unit Position Statements and Policy Communications shall be freely available to members and to the public.