New Study Looks at U.S. STEM Workforce
A new study released by Science is US on the U.S. STEM workforce reports that there are 67 million STEM professionals employed in the U.S., representing 34.3% of the total workforce. STEM-related economic activities accounted for $9.45 trillion of the U.S. economy in 2021 equal to 40.5% of U.S. GDP. The fact that 34% of the workforce produced 40% of U.S. GDP highlights the productivity of the STEM sector. Any while we often think of STEM as being the province of degreed scientists and engineers, 55% of STEM professionals do not hold a bachelor’s degree, and nearly as many STEM professionals lack a high school degree as hold a Ph.D.
IEEE-USA is a member and participated in the creation of Science is US, a non-profit organization focused on raising awareness of the importance of STEM to the U.S. economy, promoting science and evidence-based decision-making in public policy, and building public support for federal investments in research and development.
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