Energy Statements Released by IEEE European Public Policy Committee
The IEEE European Public Policy Committee has released two new position statements addressing key energy challenges confronting Europe.
The statement on “Maintaining and Enhancing Electric Power Grid Stability and Security during Energy Transition” calls on EU policy makers “to take action to maintain and enhance the security and stability of the electric power grid during the transition to a greener power system.” It outlines a series of specific recommendations with respect to energy regulation, R&D, and support for standards development.
The statement on “The Role of Green Hydrogen in a Low Carbon Future” offers specific recommendations on the potential for using “green” hydrogen (i.e. hydrogen produced by electrolysis using renewable energy) for de-carbonization and as a form of sector coupling. It provides background on the evolution of hydrogen technology and the potential uses of green hydrogen in grid scale storage, heavy industry, and as fuel for heavy transports, shipping and aviation.
Visit the IEEE-EPPC website for more information on their activities and copies of other EPPC positions.